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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - impulse


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  импульс – afferent impulse – ascending impulse – cardiac impulse – corticospinal impulse – descending impulse – motor impulse – nervous impulse – respiratory impulse ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. удар; толчок the impulse of a wave —- удар волны impulse turbine —- тех. активная турбина 2. физ. физиол. импульс 3. побудительная причина, стимул, толчок to give an impulse to smth. —- дать толчок чему-либо, послужить стимулом для чего-либо 4. порыв; побуждение; влечение inward impulse —- внутреннее побуждение blind impulse —- слепой порыв creative impulse —- творческий порыв a man of impulse —- импульсивный человек to act on impulse —- делать что-либо непроизвольно to be guided by impulse —- действовать по внутреннему побуждению to arouse an impulse —- возбудить желание to check an impulse —- сдержать порыв to be seized with a sudden impulse —- быть охваченным внезапным порывом to feel an irresistible impulse to do smth. —- испытывать непреодолимое желание сделать что-либо under an impulse of curiosity —- подстрекаемый любопытством 5. редк. давать толчок; побуждать 6. физ. посылать импульсы ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  turbine tech. активная турбина IMPULSE noun  1) толчок, побуждение to give an impulse to trade - способствовать развитию торговли  2) порыв; импульс - act on impulse  3) attr. - impulse turbine ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) импульс 2) импульс силы 3) импульсный 4) количество движения 5) толчок 6) удар impulse insulation strength — импульсная прочность изоляции unit impulse function — единичный импульс - acoustic impulse - angular impulse - gating impulse - impulse blade - impulse circuit - impulse counter - impulse flash-over - impulse function - impulse line - impulse load - impulse noise - impulse of force - impulse oil - impulse pin - impulse register - impulse source - impulse spring - impulse stage - impulse test - impulse turbine - impulse wheel - nerve impulse - specific impulse - unit impulse - vibratory impulse ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  импульс – break impulse – current impulse – direct impulse – gating impulse – make impulse – mark impulse – pedestal impulse – rectangular impulse – reflected impulse – residual impulse – space impulse – switching impulse – tripping impulse – very fast impulse – voltage impulse ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) импульс 2) механический удар; толчок 3) космонавт. включение (двигательной установки) - angular impulse - anodic impulse - back impulse - boosting impulse - break impulse - cathodic impulse - chopped impulse - current impulse - direct impulse - discharge impulse - flow-rate impulse - heat impulse - incentive impulse - lightning impulse - linear impulse - line synchronizing impulses - lubrication impulse - make impulse - mark impulse - normal impulse - overlapping impulses - pedestal impulse - radial impulse - reflected impulse - required impulse - sound impulse - space impulse - specific impulse - steep current impulse - switching impulse - transverse impulse - triangle impulse - tripping impulse - unit impulse - velocity impulse - voltage impulse ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 the act or an instance of impelling; a push. 2 an impetus. 3 Physics a an indefinitely large force acting for a very short time but producing a finite change of momentum (e.g. the blow of a hammer). b the change of momentum produced by this or any force. 4 a wave of excitation in a nerve. 5 mental incitement. 6 a sudden desire or tendency to act without reflection (did it on impulse). Phrases and idioms impulse buying the unpremeditated buying of goods as a result of a whim or impulse. Etymology: L impulsus (as IMPEL) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. transitive verb  (~d; impulsing)  Date: 1611 to give an ~ to  II. noun  Etymology: Latin impulsus, from impellere to impel  Date: 1647  1.  a. inspiration, motivation  b. a force so communicated as to produce motion suddenly  c. incentive  2.  a. the act of driving onward with sudden force ; impulsion  b. motion produced by such an impulsion ; impetus  c. a wave of excitation transmitted through tissues and especially nerve fibers and muscles that results in physiological activity or inhibition  3.  a. a sudden spontaneous inclination or incitement to some usually unpremeditated action  b. a propensity or natural tendency usually other than rational  4.  a. the product of the average value of a force and the time during which it acts ; the change in momentum produced by the force  b. pulse 4a  Synonyms: see motive ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (impulses) 1. An impulse is a sudden desire to do something. Unable to resist the impulse, he glanced at the sea again... N-VAR: oft N to-inf 2. An impulse is a short electrical signal that is sent along a wire or nerve or through the air, usually as one of a series. N-COUNT 3. An impulse buy or impulse purchase is something that you decide to buy when you see it, although you had not planned to buy it. The curtains were an impulse buy. ADJ: ADJ n 4. If you do something on impulse, you suddenly decide to do it, without planning it. Sean’s a fast thinker, and he acts on impulse... PHRASE: PHR after v ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a sudden strong desire to do something before thinking whether it is a sensible thing to do  (impulse to do sth)  (Gerry couldn't resist the impulse to skip work and go down to the beach. | on impulse (=because of an impulse))  (She had invited Joseph on a sudden impulse but was now regretting it. | impulse buying (=buying things without planning or choosing carefully)) 2 an aim or reason that causes a particular kind of activity or behaviour  (The prime impulse of capitalism is the making of money.) 3 technical a single push or force moving for a short time in one direction along a nerve or electric wire ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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